Dating back since the beginning of the world, the heat of the sun evaporates water from the earth’s surface into the atmosphere, leaving impurities behind.
As the vapor or air cools, it condenses and falls back to earth as rain, snow or other forms of precipitation.
The distillation process duplicates the earth’s cycle of evaporation and precipitation and is highly effective in removing all contaminants used in insecticides, herbicides, and lead as well as bacteria and viruses. The extended boiling water process kills virtually every contaminate.
Micro-organisms are not evaporated into the water; they remain in the boiling chamber as waste. Systems with carbon filters are recommended for removing volatile organic compounds (VOC’s).
More than 1,000 bottles from 103 brands tested. The NRDC test is the most comprehensive independent testing of bottled water publicly available.
25% violated strict applicable state (California) limits for bottled water in at least one sample, most commonly for arsenic or certain cancer-causing man-made (“synthetic”) organic compounds.
20% contained more bacteria than allowed under microbiological-purity “guidelines.”
20% contained synthetic organic chemicals – such as industrial chemicals (e.g., toluene or xylene) or chemicals used in manufacturing plastic (e.g., phthalate, adipate, or styrene)
4% violated excessive fluoride and 2% for excessive coliform bacteria.
In the USA, there have been over 100 incidents of bottled water contamination leading to recalls, 1/3 of which have never been made public. In Ireland, a survey conducted in 2007 found that 7% of the samples were contaminated with something that exceeded Irish or EU guidelines. 6% has coliform bacteria and some had E. Coli – the worst form of fecal contamination. A study in the Netherlands, 2004, tested 68 commercial mineral waters, 1 tap water, and 1 sample from a natural well, taken from 16 countries. 40% had contamination with bacteria of fungus. In Pakistan, 2003, eleven brands of mineral water were declared contaminated and unfit for human consumption.
The body contains 19 essential mineral elements, all of which must be derived from food: fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, grains, nuts, and dairy products. The minerals in water are so scant that in Boston, MA for example, one would have to drink 676 8-ounce glasses DAILY of tap water to obtain the Recommended Daily Allowance of calcium. That person would have to drink 1,848 8-ounce glasses to get the DAILY dose of magnesium, 848 8-ounce glasses to get the DAILY dose of iron, and 168,960 8-ounce glasses to obtain the DAILY dose of phosphorus. Can you imagine drinking that much water, daily?
Americans spent $11.8 billion dollars on bottled water in 2012, the latest data available from the BMC.
Of that $11.8 billion was spent on nearly 9.7 billion gallons of water, putting the avg cost at $1.22/gallon.
64% was spent on the single serving bottles – the 16.9oz/500 mL container pushing avg to $7.50/gallon.
Tap water costs only $0.004 a gallon, less than 1/300 the cost of bottled water according to American Water Works Association.
40% of bottled water starts out as Municipal Tap Water.
According to the International Bottled Water Association
Water comprises approximately 75% body weight in infants to 55% in elderly. Water – pure H2 O – provides
everything the body needs to restore fluids lost through metabolism, breathing, sweating, and the removal of waste.
It’s the perfect beverage for quenching thirst and rehydrating your system.